Monday, October 25, 2010

Novel 3

Novel: Trotsky A Biography
Author: Robert Service

The history behind the Romanov family is so, odd. The families bloodline starting with Peter the Great, had trickled down to been spread across most if not all of the European Royal families. As my father and I were discussing I think that this is a reason for Nicholas II complacency when it came to his fate. It is shown through even the recent(relative to Nicholas II) Romanov's that unless one was passionate about something, say war tactics or political hubbub, they were complacent to the view of those surrounding them. The political views that Nicholas should have been interested in were inevitable his downfall. The next book I am reading is the biography of one of the most influential political activist of the Revolutions, Trotsky. I hope that by reading this I will get an insight on what the political minds of this time were actually thinking.

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